VVÚPS-NOVA carries out design activities, energy certification of buildings, measurement of thermotechnical properties of building structures and buildings, research, development, expert, and inspection activities.

The dominant activities of VVÚS-NOVA include:

  • Diagnosis (objectification) of the actual condition, visual diagnosis (inspection), and measurement;
  • Preparation of project documentation for building permits (execution of necessary calculations demonstrating compliance with the requirements according to generally binding legal regulations and technical standards) at the level of execution (implementation) project documentation (proposal of details and specifics enabling quality construction);
  • Preparation of Expert Opinion and Record of System Faults;
  • Assessment of project documentation;
  • Consultancy and expert activities, preparation of studies in the field of thermal protection and energy of buildings;
  • Building physics - design and assessment of building structures and their details from the perspective of building thermal technology;
  • Measurement and evaluation of the indoor environment of buildings, assessment of hygienic deficiencies (mold formation, condensation on construction surfaces);
  • Thermotechnical assessments of building structures and project evaluations of the energy efficiency of buildings according to Act No. 555/2005 Coll. as amended by subsequent regulations;
  • Energy certification of buildings;
  • Cost optimization of measures for energy savings in the field of energy efficiency of buildings;
  • Operational energy assessment of energy needs for building heating based on measured energy consumption;
  • Evaluation of energy savings from measured energy consumption for building heating according to STN 730550 and the National Annex to STN EN 15603/NA;
  • Technical audits of buildings in the scope of "due diligence";
  • Assessment of project documentation from the perspective of building physics and energy efficiency of buildings.
Contact person for further information:

prof. Ing. Zuzana Sternová, PhD.
Phone: +421 2 49228 101
Mobile: +421 905 620 759
Email: sternova@tsus.sk

Branch address:

Technical and Testing Institute of Construction, n.o.
Branch Bratislava
Studená 967/3
821 04 Bratislava
GPS: 49.091398, 20.069617


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