- Consultation and expertise activities, preparation of studies in the field of thermal protection and energy of buildings.
- Thermal-technical assessments of building structures and project evaluation of energy efficiency according to Act No. 555/2005 Coll. as amended.
- Cost optimization of energy-saving measures in the field of energy efficiency of buildings - more information in leaflet No. 14, figure 1.
- Energy certification of buildings - more information in leaflet No. 17.
- Prevádzkové energetické hodnotenie potreby energie na vykurovanie budov z nameranej spotreby energie.
- Evaluation of energy savings based on measured heating energy consumption according to STN 730550 and National Annex to STN EN 15603/NA - more in figure 2.
- Determination of causes of mold formation, measurement and evaluation of indoor environmental conditions in terms of hygiene deficiencies - more information in leaflet No. 15.
- Building physics - design and assessment of building structures and their details in terms of building thermal engineering - more in figure 3.
- Technical audits of buildings within the scope of "due diligence," evaluation of project documentation in terms of energy efficiency of buildings.
- Studies on the building fund.
Contact person for further information:
Phone: +421 2 49228 102
Email: info@tsus.sk