Technical Assessment of Construction Products according to CPR

The institute performs technical assessment of construction products according to CPR in all product areas listed in Annex IV of CPR as a Technical Assessment Body (TAB) - a member of EOTA (European Organization for Technical Assessment). The Technical Assessment Body (TAB) issues European Technical Assessments (ETA) based on the manufacturer's application (downloadable form) and an existing relevant European Assessment Document (EAD) issued by EOTA.
If no relevant European Assessment Document (EAD) has been issued for a specific construction product, the Technical Assessment Body (TAB) proceeds with the development of a proposal for a suitable European Assessment Document (EAD), provided that the product is not covered or fully covered by a harmonized standard, or its essential performance parameters cannot be fully assessed according to an existing harmonized standard. The Technical Assessment Body (TAB) applies the procedures specified in Annex II of CPR.
Contact person for further information:

Ing. Iveta Lisičanová
Phone: +421 2 49228 160
Mobile: +421 903 402 383

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