TSÚS Profile

Building Testing and Research Institute, NPO, is the successor organization of the contributory organization Building Testing and Research Institute, SOE. The institute is registered by the Bratislava District Office under no. OVVS-674/55/2002/NO in the register of non-profit organizations on November 4, 2002. However, the origins of the institute date go back to 1953, when its employees started testing and assessing the suitability and quality of construction products and providing other professional services in the field of construction. Since 2004, the institute has provided its services to a greater extent also to foreign manufacturers of construction products. Currently, an average of 108 employees work at the directorate, specialized department and eight branches of the institute in Bratislava, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Nitra, Zvolen, Žilina, Košice, Prešov and Tatranská Štrba.

The founders of the institute as a non-profit organization are the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic (currently the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic) and a group of employees of the institute. The founders influence the activity of the institute through the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board. The institute is headed by a director appointed by the Board of Directors. The statute of a non-profit organization guarantees the institute impartiality and independence, which is highlighted by the Institute's Declaration of Independence.

The Institute operates primarily in the regulated sphere according to the relevant laws as an authorized and notified body for assessing and verifying the immutability of the parameters of a wide range of construction products, as well as an authorized body for technical assessment or technical assessment body (TAB) – member of EOTA, which issues national (SK TP) or European (ETA) technical assessments for construction products. The Institute also operates an authorized body for the verification of measurements and as an expert organization in the field of construction. Since 2009, the institute has also been focusing on the energy performance of buildings, and is also qualified to carry out energy certification of buildings.

More and more emphasis is placed on activities in the unregulated sphere. In addition to the traditional services of an accredited testing and metrology laboratory, including the measurement of dynamic properties of building structures, the accredited certification body for products provides services to customers beyond the scope of the regulated sphere. The accredited inspection body of type A is active primarily in the field of production of construction products, but also in issuing licenses for the performance of special construction works, primarily to contractors of thermal insulation contact systems ETICS. Since 2009, the range of unregulated activities has also expanded to include research and development design activities. Research and development is oriented towards thermal protection and renovation of buildings, energy performance of buildings and, of course, research in the field of building materials and constructions (especially cement, concrete and bridges). Within the unregulated sphere, design activities, standard-setting, publication and lecture activities are carried out.
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