The institute acts as an accredited certification body for optional product certification. Optional certification provides manufacturers with increased customer confidence in their products because, unlike the certificate and declaration of parameters according to CPR or Act No. 133/2013 Coll. as amended, in the so-called regulated area where only certain products and their properties related to the essential requirements for construction are subject to (mandatory) certification, optional certification also confirms parameters of properties beyond, for example, the properties listed in the annex ZA of the harmonized standard or parameters of product properties not covered by CPR or Act No. 133/2013 Coll as amended.
For products for which the certification body has detailed rules with the possibility of obtaining the TSÚS quality mark, the manufacturer is, in addition to granting the product certificate, allowed to mark the certified product with the TSÚS quality mark:
The procedure and requirements are contained both in the general rules for granting the TSÚS Quality Mark and in the specific rules for issuing the product certificate for individual (selected) groups of products.
Currently, the Rules apply to one group of products, which, however, do not offer the possibility to use the TSÚS quality mark.
Manufacturers can request an assessment of the parameters of the properties of products that are not covered by the CPR or Act No. 133/2013 Coll. as amended or for products similar to construction products also according to the manufacturer's internal regulations (e.g. corporate standards).
or manufacturers interested in certifying their products, we recommend consulting their intentions with the employees of the certification body (ÚPZ) or completing and submitting an application for product certification (optional certification)..
Contact person for further information:
Ing. Daša Kozáková
Phone: +421 2 49228 110
Mobile: +421 903 218 425