Memberships in organizations

The institute is a member of the following professional societies and associations:

  • EOTA - European Organisation for Technical Assessment
  • ENBRI - European Network of Building Research Institutes
  • ECI ICE (European Corporation for Information - International Certification Engineers)
  • ABF Slovakia - Association for the Development of Slovak Architecture and Construction
  • ZSPS - Association of Construction Entrepreneurs of Slovakia
  • KZ SR - Calibration Association of Slovakia
  • Slovak Society for Technical Standardization
  • SSK - Slovak Society for Quality
  • Civic Association for Building Insulation
  • Association SLOVENERGOokno
  • SZVK - Association of Aggregate Producers in Slovakia, member of UEPG
  • ZVONS - Association of Research Organizations in the Non-Profit Sector
  • Association for the Development of Recycling of Building Materials
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