The certification of the immutability of product parameters according to Act No. 133/2013 Coll. is carried out by the institute as an authorized body SK04, if it concerns products:
that are subject to Slovak technical standards (STN) designated for the assessment of parameters or SK technical assessments (SK TA),
- which require the assessment and verification of parameter immutability by System I+ or I,
- and for which product groups the institute is authorized (scope of authorization on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic).
The authorized body issues an SK certificate of parameter immutability to the manufacturer based on:
- The assessment of product parameters through type testing (including sample collection), type calculation, tabulated values, or descriptive documentation of the product. Note:If an SK technical assessment (SK TA) is the technical specification for the product, it is considered as the assessment of parameters for that product.
- The initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and the production control system;
- The continuing surveillance of the production control system and the assessment and evaluation of the production control system;
- In System I+, as well as (periodic) control testing of samples taken before the product is placed on the market.
The process for issuing the certificate begins with the acceptance of the application (downloadable form) and continues with the conclusion of the certification agreement.
Contact person for further information:
Ing. Daša Kozáková
Phone: +421 2 49228 110
Mobile: +421 903 218 425